I’ve written a utility called Clear_Cube which clears all data from all measures in a cube.
Syntax is: call clear_cube(‘cubename’)
Example: call clear_cube(‘MY_DATA’)
"Program: Clear_Cube
"Purpose: Clear all contents from a cube
"Author: Mark Thompson - Vlamis Software Solutions
"Date: February, 2007
arg _cubearg text
vrb _cube text
vrb _cubevar text
vrb _argcnt int
_cubearg = upcase(_cubearg)
_cubevar = joinchars(_cubearg '_PRT_TOPVAR')
_cube = joinchars(_cubearg '.CUBE')
"Make sure cube exists
if not isvalue(all_cubes,_cube)
then do
show joinchars(_cube ' is not a value of ALL_CUBES')
limit all_cubes to _cube
limit all_measures to cube_measures
limit all_measures keep measure_catalog(measure_prop 'MEASTYPE') eq 'BASE'
if exists(_cubevar)
then do
show joinchars(tod ' begin clearing all data from compressed cube ' _CUBE)
show joinchars(tod ' clearing data from ' _cubevar)
&joinchars('clear all from ' _cubevar)
show joinchars(tod ' ended clearing all data from compressed cube ' _CUBE)
else do
show joinchars(tod ' begin clearing all data from non-compressed cube ' _CUBE)
for all_measures
_cubevar = joinchars(changechars(extchars(all_measures 1 numchars(all_measures)-8),'.','_') '_STORED')
if exists(_cubevar)
then do
show joinchars(tod ' clearing data from ' _cubevar)
&joinchars('clear all from ' _cubevar)
else show joinchars(tod ' ' _cubevar ' does not exist')
show joinchars(tod ' ended clearing all data from non-compressed cube ' _CUBE)