On November 5, 2019 at 12:00pm Central we will be hosting a webinar on the new features in Oracle Analytics Cloud version 105.4. This webinar will include a presentation, live demo, and Q&A session for attendees. Here is the full abstract:
Oracle Analytics Cloud version 105.4.0 has several new features of special interest to the OAC community. A few of the major themes for this release include: A) improvements to the Data Visualization experience (including a unified home page and customizable fonts), B) improvements to search/ask, C) improvements to data flows and data preparation, and D) data source and security improvements.
Join Dan Vlamis, Oracle ACE Director, and President of Vlamis Software Solutions, as he walks through the new features. Just like our previous presentations (see www.vlamis.com/obiwebinars for a list), this webinar will include a fast-paced presentation with a live demo of OAC including as many of the new features as time allows. We will also have a member of Oracle product management available to help us answer questions during this webinar. New features we plan to cover include:
A. Self-Service Analytics
Unified Home page
Copy Vizs & Canvas across projects
DV fonts customization
Right-click-forecast on all Time levels
Maps ambiguous location-matches
Spatial-functions in RPD models
Improving dashboard “Explore in DV”
B. Search/Ask
Recognize plurals & autocorrect for searches
BI searching catalog content
DxD SSO Setup
C. DataFlows / DataPrep
Export/Import data-flows
Additional Nodes & Wizards : Split column, trim spaces
Data Flow Tool tips
OCI Storage for FA data replication
D. OA Publisher
SSL for datasources
Scheduler REST APIs
Hiding mandatory parameters
E. Datasources
More support for SSL Encrypted datasources
SSL & RDG for Big Data providers & Support for Oracle Big Data SQL
RDG for Tier2 sources (Spark,Hive, Redshift…)
PBCS Enhancements
Thousand/Decimal separator pick in CSV imports
F. Security/Admin
Top level URL changes
Login check for embedded content
Kerberos authentication