Oracle Analytics Cloud version 18.3.3 includes improvements and enhancements over the previous version. These enhancements are in areas such as data preparation, data visualization, data flows & data sources, and more.
Join Dan Vlamis, Oracle ACE Director, and President of Vlamis Software Solutions, as he walks through exciting new features. Just like our previous presentations (see for a list), this webinar will include a fast-paced presentation with a live demo of OAC including as many of the new features as time allows. New features we plan to cover (subject to change):
- Data Preparation Enhancements
- Recommendations – Transformations and Enrichments
- Data Preparation scripts
- Data Flows and Data Sources
- Incremental Processing
- Parameterized Sources & Output
- Connect to multiple Autonomous Data Warehouses
- Data Sets
- Data Set Replace (for development purposes)
- Data Set Storage Management
- New Data Visualizations
- Maps
- Multiple Data Layers
- Dynamic Heatmap
- Google and Baidu base maps
- Machine Learning – Explain a measure
- Administrative – Console Menu reorganized